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Get clarity today!

Image by Nick Scheerbart

Experience the path to true freedom by scheduling a free, 40 minute Discovery Call. Together, we will assess your ailments and find the right, customized path for you to experience permanent relief.


Simply click "Book It" below to begin your journey of self-improvement and healing with a free consultation. I'll help you discover what program you need to change your thinking.



Overcome your issue without the years of therapy. Resolution and personal freedom in 30 days. Actual results.


The longer it persists, the more we resist what our life could be.




  • Fill out the online form - what is the most important thing that needs to change in your life?

  • Helpful emails leading to the session 

  • 1x2 hour RTT Hypnotherapy session via Zoom

  • Your own unique, personalized 20 minute life-time hypnosis track that you are required to listen to for 21 days. You can listen anytime you want thereafter.

  • A comprehensive follow-up coaching call after the session, including old beliefs vs. new ones, your story, and what the transformation looks like for you based on your needs and desires.


​This Option is Recommended For:

  • Confidence / self-esteem, public speaking, giving a speech, taking exams, smoking, phobias, giving great interviews, improving a skill set, motivation, concentration & focus

  • Line up what you want with what you believe.


Please note:

  • Most often clients need 2 - 4 sessions to deal with the issue once and for all and this is usually uncovered during the session.

  • I simply charge a smaller fee for all additional 2-hour RTT sessions to get to the root of the issue and solve it.



  • If you believe you may need or want more than one session, I highly recommend my Exclusive Transformation package. This will allow you to obtain more RTT sessions at reduced rates. You’ll also receive coaching benefits throughout to keep you on track, accountable and motivated. 


Option to upgrade:

  • Want to get serious about changing your life? Opt to upgrade to the 10-week Exclusive Transformation package after your first session.

Level Up Now

Level Up Now with a Free Discovery Call


The 10-Week Immersion to successfully Live the Life YOU prefer.


Stop wishing and actually overcome the hurdles. 



Often when clients land at my door, they have more than one issue they want to sort out. For example, they are suffering from anxiety and emotional eating habits, but would also love to be a confident public speaker. 


Or they can’t sleep and have a tendency towards self-doubt, wanting to focus on wealth creation. Or perhaps they want to lose weight, attract a rewarding relationship while having a worthwhile career.


I call this package the "Exclusive Transformation" because in under 3 months we'll tackle your most important issues together and put you in a better position than ever for success in your life. 


This package includes 2 powerful RTT hypnotherapy sessions plus coaching to keep you moving in the right direction. After each RTT session, you walk away with a personalized hypnosis mp3 tailored to your specific needs and requirements. 


The recordings are yours to keep forever. Your hypnosis recording can even highlight very specific needs in your life, such as the skills you need to increase to elevate performance on a project you are working on.


Clients will schedule their session over Zoom.



  • Call to gauge your needs and create your personal profile.

  • Accountability with me until resolved.

  • 2 x 2 hour RTT sessions.

    • ​Integrate into where you live now via ZOOM, the results are the magical.​

  • 2 x Your own unique hypnosis tracks to listen to for 30 days. Recordings are yours to keep forever.​

  • 12 Powerful Lessons you unlock on your own time to keep you on track

    • Step-by-Step Guide to living life on YOUR terms​

    • The how-to is done for you

    • Every tool carefully placed in divine order to keep you unstuck from challenges

    • Designed to weave into your daily life

  • 1 personal Power Hour to cement, clarify and lock in any leftover baggage. 

  • My goal is to make sure you feel supported while change your life in a way that's best for you with ease, grace and flow during your 10 weeks of transformation.


Please note:

  • Upon completion you will get an offer to continue with RTT for a discount in any other area of your life.


Life is too short to be in therapy the whole time. The Exclusive Transformation offers speedy, guaranteed results.

Exclusive Transformaion

Transform Now with a Free Discovery Call

Custom Recording Consultation

Relax & Win


  • Let your body relax the right way with this already done for you expert recording.

  • A hypnotic spoken recording accompanied with known relaxing musical frequencies.

  • Based on hundreds of clients and student's success after extensively testing different strategies.

  • Teaches patience, confidence and awareness and the power to dramatically change your life when listened to consistently. 

  • Only 15 minutes a day to upgrade your mindset and get results.

  • Manifest your heart's desires by replenishing your soul - meditation and deliberate focus has been proven to help us reduce stress and increase mental clarity and focus.

  • Feel how good it is to be in your own skin.

  • This recording has handpicked quality information, gathered from some of the best known meditators and influencers.

  • Decision making and quality of life improves.

  • While you make these concepts familiar, fear disappears and you move towards better relationships, life experiences and career choices.

  • At the end of the day - triggering the brain’s relaxation response is the only way to induce better sleep.



Purchase a recording that doesn't expire and transform your mindset today. Here you'll find a 15 minute recording aimed to help you relax your mind the right way. 


Customize Your Life

  • Have the luxury of upgrading yourself to how you see fit by a transformational recording expert.  

  • Fill out a form describing exactly what you would like.

  • Listen to your 20 minute recording everyday for 30 days. 

  • Extremely comprehensive recording based on highly intuitive downloads.

  • Experience phenomenal changes. Witness your power.

  • Uses certain frequencies and your desires - your subconscious will change without you having to try or do more.

  • Meditation and deliberate focus has been proven to help us reduce stress, increasing mental clarity, focus and drive.

  • Change your mind in this way and watch your life change.

  • Questions? Just book a free "Discovery Call" and we will clarify everything including your goals, over the phone.

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