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"Carolyn’s dedicated commitment, incredible insight and support, along with her amazing tailored hypnosis recordings helped me go from feeling frustrated and stuck to feeling confident and taking action with ease."

~ Amy; Senior Program Coordinator 

"Working with Carolyn was my first ever therapy experience and it was a really positive one!
She's a really good listener and made me feel comfortable opening up to her.

I came to her with a few topics that I needed help with. Energy problems, caffeine addiction, procrastination, feeling burnt out, and feeling anger towards people in my past.
Her recordings helped me to take better care of myself and move on from experiences in the past that were holding me back.

Since working with her, I am freer and feel confident.
I've made a lot of positive changes to my daily life.
Also, I've gotten some new perspectives that helped me have more confidence in myself and put aside a lot of the anger I've felt towards people in my life."

~ Michelle; Web Developer

"As suicidal as I felt, I thought I had nothing to lose. Carolyn gave me the change I'd craved for years. I've educated myself on healing through spirituality yet I still never imagined I had childhood issues that were holding me back, with limiting beliefs, about my potential and capacities.

Within the first months after our session, gradually my self-awareness flourished and so did my motivation to exercise freedom of choice instead of having my past and emotions dictate my actions. All with one session! 
This helped me develop new habits and discover passions I did not know existed or I was capable of developing such enjoyment. With Carolyn's help I found the power to forgive myself and those who played a role in my previous past traumas and all my relationships improved.

English is my second language which made no difference. Carolyn is the best and my top choice recommendation for anyone who needs a type of therapy that does not suck. I laugh today at those professionals who claimed I am hopeless and unable to change with their quick fixes. I am so thankful I met Carolyn."

~ Victor; Northeastern University Accountant

"I saw Carolyn in the Fall of 2019 for a lifelong bad habit of picking. Specifically, I went for help to stop the embarrassing habit of picking at my arms. They looked terrible when I did it, and made me feel terrible that I couldn’t stop.
Well Spring of 2020 is here, and my arms are looking great!! In one session Carolyn was able to help me stop this bad habit. The session we had, and the tape she provided, worked! Highly recommend!"
~ Nicolette, Real Estate Broker

"I absolutely loved my session with Carolyn! She really understood my desires and I felt really supported by her. My session was about my bunions, and I haven't had pain since, in fact I've hardly even thought about them, which is a huge change for me. Now when I see someone in heels I think "I'd love to wear those shoes," instead of "I could never wear cute shoes like that." I would definitely recommend Carolyn's services to anyone who wants a shift in their mental and physical pain!"


~ Arianna, Healer

"I came to Carolyn with the desire to quit smoking. It's been something that I've been wanting to do for a while and Carolyn helped me achieve that. The session was awesome. I was a bit reluctant as I didn't know what to expect, but Carolyn was great in explaining the process and how it would help me achieve what I desired. The session went great. Carolyn made me feel so at ease and I was able to really open up and get to the root of my problems. Her soothing voice when I listen to in the recording, really helped embed the message to quit smoking. I wouldn't have been able to do it without her. Not only that I even finally landed the job I’ve been working towards for 5 years. I will definitely go to her again, priceless to me. I'm so grateful to Carolyn for helping me become a better me."


~ Alex; UPS Supervisor

"Hi Carolyn....I need to thank you again for the wonderful treatment you gave me last month. I listen to your tape daily and  I feel it's really helping me; better than any self-help book, better than doing a bunch of affirmations. This particular treatment really gets at the heart of the matter of all these childhood issues that on a subconscious level have held me back my whoke life...I find that throughout the day instead of responding to situations in that typical knee-jerk manner,  I'm either changing the way I respond to these things or I'm stopping and asking myself what's a better way and your words from your tape literally come into my mind so I know it's working. I thank you so much; you really do amazing work."
~ Fay; Flight Attendant

"Thank you so much for your help in kicking my sugar habit!  I was having such a hard time getting in control of my eating and you helped my to focus in on the root of the issue and meet it head on.  Your kind and professional manner made the entire experience enjoyable and calming.  I would recommend anyone who is in need of focus in their life to give your program a try."
~ Suzanne; Business Manager 

"I owe many thanks to Cara for helping me finally quit smoking. I started smoking later than most, 21, young enough to make it a bad habit, and I'm 35 now. I smoked less than a pack a week, with my highest consumption when I was drinking. I tried to quit many times; cold turkey, vaping, even talked to my doctor who told me that unless I was a pack a day I didn’t qualify for a medical treatment (then told me that I just had to ‘get over myself’). Well a RTT session with Cara did just that. In our session we were able to find what was at the core of my bad habit, confront it and leave it in my past. I left the session at first feeling slightly uneasy as I realized and confronted things that I tried to pack away and forget, but as each hour passed the unease turned into calm, and the calm turned into a smoke-free life. I haven’t smoked in 8 months, the smell of cigarette smoke now makes me nauseous. I have noticed some additional side-effects from my session w Cara. I feel more confident, I trust myself more and most of my bad habits have subsided. I’m drinking less, eating better and being kinder to myself. I would recommend Cara’s RTT therapy to anybody trying to bring more positive behaviors into their lives."

~ Melanie; Mortician

"RTT with Carolyn changed my life. When we met I was stuck with a long term medical issue. After just a few short months of working with Carolyn together and listening to my personalized recording - I was told by my doctor after several biopsies that the issue was resolved. The results are unbelievable. Carolyn goes where therapies don't go and the changes last a lifetime. If you are thinking about hiring her - do it. It WILL change your life."

~ Karen; Office Manager

"Carolyn’s therapy has helped me control my stress level and has made me so much happier. She’s committed to providing therapy in whatever way works best for you, and the results show!"

~ Kristin; Drinkworks Marketing Specialist

"Cara has the best customer service - she makes you feel at ease from the moment you book an appointment . She does her very best to ensure that you are comfortable at all times by explaining her processes and making sure you feel at home. From just one session she helped me stop procrastinating. The process itself is very relaxing and and I felt so refreshed as soon as our session was over. After the session she provided me with a tape of the session to go back to every day for a month and then sporadically as needed. This has been very helpful to get back on track when I'm feeling unmotivated. Overall, this was a great experience and I recommend it to anyone!"

~ Rachel; Attorney

I am feeling great - that was a great session Carolyn! I'm writing more now than ever and it helps with memory and my confidence! Loving it."


~Ola; Therapist

"I saw Carolyn twice, for abundance and weight. Immediately after the first session I felt very light and positive.. things were working and moving.  After the weight session I felt even better - for the first time I could think of myself as loosing weight, I felt completely different regarding weight. I dropped 3 lbs in 3 days and 5lbs in 2 weeks. Now 2 months later I feel great, so comfortable with myself, I love myself and nobody can change that. I went to my daughter's school and spoke up without feeling nervous or that I had a problem at all. I used to have a phobia of cats and dogs but now even that has gone. I walk by big dogs without even thinking about it until after when I walk away. I met a new cat and wasn't even scared. 

         And I'm dropping an extra lb every day. I highly recommend Carolyn to anyone who wants to overcome something in their life. Thank you!"


~ Tasleema; Self-Employed

"I had my session with Carolyn 3 weeks ago at which time we addressed an irrational fear of mine around losing my hair. Going into the session I thought I had a general belief that it was genetic, but during the regression Carolyn guided me back to the real reason I developed irrational fears. The session was very powerful and Carolyn did such a good job of guiding me and really helping me let go of the belief structure that led to these thoughts in the first place. Since our session my thoughts around losing my hair are almost zero, which is incredible. For anyone who is ready to break through - I definitely recommend booking a session Carolyn! Thank you so much Carolyn for your powerful work. I really appreciate it." 

~ Taylor; Akashic Record healer, Founder of Change Course

"I have seen Carolyn. She is so amazing at what she does. She helped me stay focused on my health goals and helped me see clearly why I made some bad eating choices.  There is always a 'why' to our actions. She guided me to see that and I feel so relieved. Thank you Carolyn, you are amazing!"
~ Ariane; ADM Business OwnerI

"My session with Carolyn was so powerful, I was able to release a lot of painful childhood issues that had been stored in my head for a long time. It was life changing for me!"


~ Sharon; Healer

 I contacted Carolyn because I needed help with focus and calming my mind.  With Carolyn’s sessions and support, I have made very positive personal and professional changes in my life!  She helped me get “unstuck.”


~ Sally; Owner @ Organized Peace

"After hearing about RTT Therapy from Carolyn, I was excited to give it a try - and I'm so glad I did! Carolyn made me feel comfortable in her office and most importantly, listened with compassion and understanding. Her questions seemed to get to the root of the issue and I left with a positive path to overcoming my obstacles. She followed up with me and made sure that I was satisfied and comfortable with the ongoing results. Carolyn​ is a true professional whom I trust, and I highly recommend her for RTT therapy!"
​~ Michele; LifeMAP Coach

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