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Meet Carolyn


BA, Spanish and Psychology, Framingham State University



Licensed RTT® Therapist

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Qualified Member of International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT)

Youth Mental Health First Aid

Certified Medical Interpreter

TEFL International

Get What You Want
I can help you if you have a good attitude and are ready to change your mind! Here's why:

I've been dedicated to studying behavior and helping people make healthy choices since I can remember - so I know it's about changing the mind first, always.  In fact, back in middle school I made a pact with myself to learn Spanish - and I did.


Studied abroad, graduated, lived in Costa Rica, learning, for a few months, Peace Corps 2 yrs, became an ESL Teacher, a Medical Interpreter, worked in many other Spanish-speaking jobs and landed in Spirituality FULL ON.


My blog from Peace Corps Ecuador 2012 -


I found myself wanting to buy a home and be the best version of myself - I did that with ease and grace and flow barely realizing what was happening.


Then I made a pact to create my own schedule helping people - And I did that too. 


Shortly after I decided to be in the relationship of my dreams, and start a family in a warm climate - Guess what? I did that too, in a few months.


Now, I'm making a pact to YOU.  I have a big message to share.


I am committed to taking your life to the next level... in the exact way that's right for you. You will never be overloaded with processes and information - I love easy, quick and effective and that's what this is all about.


Through all of my introspective travels and adventures - I made countless mistakes, struggled with insecurities, overcame an abusive relationship and became an RTT therapist -  and so many more awkward, some debilitating yet transformative, life-changing sacrifices that have given me the QUESTIONS and INSIGHT I wish I had known all along.


I have helped so many women get the love of their dreams.


And I'll doing the same for you.


I am here to do the BIG work.

The real, scary, fun exciting and deep shit that will change your life forever.

To take you to places you never knew existed or thought possible. 

To hold you to a higher standard...because you deserve it. 


As a certified master of NLP, master of hypnosis, and manifesting expert I have invested substantially in my personal development and I take pride in continuously learning from key industry leaders. 


What you'll learn are the LAWS of the Universe. And all you have to do is show up, and follow them, as they apply to 100% of people, 100% of the time.


Watching clients overcome their biggest hurdle and step into their dream is not just miraculous, but extremely practical. I'm here to make what seems far off, very easy, no matter who you are and where you're in life.


I serve people who want to experience BIG changes for themselves and others. You're transformation is the reason I wake up. I don't make promises, I create breakthroughs. I hack beliefs and build new realities...but only if you're willing to do the work. I say the things no one else will say. I am not your "yes man." I show up and play full out. I see all of you and trust you have the answers. I've been known to change lives.


My unwavering spirituality practice allows me to tap into the spot on intuition I was blessed with.. to serve powerfully with love, integrity, insight and passion.


This is my pledge to you. We are all #BornToBeFree 


If you want what you want NOW and you're not willing to wait - book your free call or head straight to my programs to get started with what your heart is telling you.


Whether you've been single forever, heartbroken from a breakup, confused about what to say to him, wondering why all men disappear, casually dating but craving a commitment, or feeling "stuck" and ready to level-up your relationship world to the one of your dreams - I've created a customized resource that will coach you step-by-step, to get the man you want.


With Love,


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