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without the baggage & years of therapy...

Collaborate in 3 STEPS


You try talking yourself into - 

eating right, working out, thinking

positive, cut the tell yourself "TOMORROW I WON'T PROCRASTINATE!"

And the list goes on......

But nothing works & nothing changes

You're over feeling stuck and different


...Maybe you've tried everything


...Or, maybe you don't even know where to start (and it all feels so overwhelming)


...Or, maybe you blame your low self-esteem, lack of sleep friends and family or a job you hate


And finally, after all of that...what if you fail?


If any of this sounds familiar, then you're in the exact right place...


This guide contains 3 of the most powerful strategies that I've perfected after helping over 500 students to easily work their mind so their body performs exactly the way they want.


They ACTUALLY SEE RESULTS on a wide range of topics from Anxiety to Sports Performance to living their Dream Life - and everything in between.



Results in health, wealth, love AND happiness - instantly launching to the next level.




Now you're ready to begin:


Reportedly, here are the TOP 3 ways to successfully collaborate with your brain:


1) The words and pictures you make in your head


2) What do you believe?


3) Make the unfamiliar familiar


Let's dive into each one and talk not only about how influential they are, but more importantly how you should use them to find success in the area of your choice...

Collaboration #1:


The words and pictures you make in your head.


Your mind does EXACTLY what it thinks you want it to do.


It’s listening all the time to your language and the words you are using. So, if you say --


  • I’m dying under all this pressure

  • This is a nightmare

  • I’m so overwhelmed

  • I can’t deal with the stress


You are telling your mind you don’t want to do it. And it will encourage and validate any and every reason for you to slack off – it may even give you the flu – or worse. Didn’t you say you wanted a break?


  • What is your desire? What is your vision?


PICK ONE and write it down. Think SHORTER TERM. Think POSSIBLE.


This is NOT the time to get practical. 


Do not think about the “how.”


Focus & Attention = CREATION


Fall in love with what you want, and nurture it.


  • Say, “I love this, I’ve chosen this…”

Collaboration #2:


What do you believe about the things you see?


Life doesn’t give you what you want – it gives you what you believe.


Self-mastery is about knowing how you feel. 

Do you feel anxious about these goals? Are you scared of letting people including yourself down? 


Time to change it around. 


Write down every feeling that comes to mind regarding your desire:


‘I’m afraid of what people will think / I can never achieve that / It’s too hard…’




Decide to Accept that you love yourself completely with that and CHOOSE to let it go, and WRITE A NEW BELIEF,  adding “because I’m good enough”


  • Start saying, “I used to believe that I can’t but now I know I can have/do that because I’m good enough.” 


  • “It’s ok to feel this way because…  And I can also feel ______ because…..”


  • “What I want is already showing up here…..” “Everything is actually working out for me.”


You decide the reality.


  • Have full confidence in knowing the right resources will always fall into your lap once you choose to upgrade your beliefs.


Popular phrases to use in your mental diet: 

“I intend, I prefer, I would like, wouldn’t it be nice, I am, I have, I want”


  • Persist and what you want will be lined up what you want with what you believe. 

Collaboration #3:


Make the unfamiliar familiar. 


Your mind loves what is familiar and goes towards it like a missile.


So, if what is familiar is procrastinating, judging, negative self-talk, not believing in yourself – you have GOT to make that completely UNFAMILIAR.


Make what is unfamiliar familiar – believing in yourself, feeling abundant, working hard and deciding to love it. 


It feels silly at first. But just like anything new – the more familiar you make it the easier it becomes.


Act from the place of love and knowledge that your vision is yours.


You must see it to achieve it. 

  • Your brain will have no choice but to move towards what you want when you See it, Believe it, and Make it Familiar. 

  • Collaborate - tell your mind what you’ve chosen and what you prefer now!

Now what? 


You now know how to collaborate with your brain and get anything you want. 


So what’s next?


Sometimes deeper work just needs to be done to make it happen.


If you want more and are ready to once and for all overcome an obstacle or problem you’re having - ready to let go of whatever is holding you back...


Or if you’re just ready to feel better…


If you want to discover the answer... 


And you’re not sure if what you’ve been doing is working or WILL work; you want someone to tell you what’s going on and help guide you through all the BS and into the reality of who you’re truly meant to be…


Well there is the perfect solution:


Carolyn Marchese

I know how to collaborate with the mind and get others to do the same - easily.

It’s all about the subconscious - If you upgrade the habits of thought your actions change. Your body responds to what you tell it. Simple. 


BUT IT’S NOT SO  EASY with a million steps, or doing it on your own, or trying every trick out there.


I know the struggle of having information - then logically telling yourself what to do and trying even harder…. but it just turns into a cycle of ups and downs.


You need the solution.  Not a bunch of stuff to do.


How to stop the struggle? - The answer lives in our subconscious minds.


And that’s why I use a specialized form of hypnosis to easily upgrade your subconscious to think and believe things that you actually want it to.


And once your subconscious knows - it stays forever. 


Your habits of thought instantly change and then of course so do your habits themselves.






Let my expertise in changing people's lives serve you, too. 


Find out how here:


“I had serious anxiety. My confidence was so low I couldn’t get out of bed most days and felt no meaning in life. After 2 sessions I actually spring out of bed and don’t even recognize the old me.”


~ Dennis P.

“Weight loss was my reason for working with Carolyn. I’ve lost 40lbs so far and see every area of my life improving on a daily basis. I’ve never felt so confident in my own skin!”


~ Tanya F.


“I used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years. After 1 session with Carolyn not only am I cigarette free but I found the love of my life!”


~ Cassie H.


It's not just another course. It's a lifelong paradigm shift. 


Here you'll discover...


  • Why traditional therapy does not work

  • My secret weapon for rapidly improving any area of your life in 1-3 sessions



Book A Session Now -


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