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Want To Go From Stuck To Undeniable Confidence This Year?

Let me tell you about my clients...

Within the first couple months of working 1:1 with me, Dana made more progress in a week than she made in 5 years with regular therapy.


Here's just a few more responses I took from actual recent accountability calls where I ask everyone the same question; 

“How has it been going for you since our session?”


(and thankfully, they have allowed me to put these up!)

~ A lot better, certain things don’t bother me at all anymore I’ve noticed.
Cori, 37

~ I’m way more assertive at work and it feels really good.
John, 34

~ I can’t believe I like my body after 30 years and 3 days into RTT.
Jenni, 33

~ 2 months into RTT I’ve completely changed careers, moved into a way nicer place for me, and am happier than I’ve been in years.
Sally, 66

~ I’ve noticed 10 days in that it’s helping me take care of myself in unique ways and even sleep better. There’s nothing missing.
Madeleine, 34

~ I didn’t know if it would work for me but I stuck with it and the results have been profound; without knowing myself in this way I would not have been able to get up and live an enjoyable life with my family.
Sherry, 43

~ I highly recommend this process to get unstuck from whatever you’re going through and move on with life.
Andy, 32

~ I achieved exactly what I came for in such a short amount of time.
Ariane, 34

What does this have to do with you?

They are on track to reach their highest dream of a successful career and relationship and I'm looking for others who feel emotionally stuck and want to work with me privately, joining these success stories.


The only question you want to be one of them?


If the answer is "Yes", I'd love to help you get started for free.


Hold up. We'll get to that soon. Let's talk about anxiety for a moment.


If you're reading this now, you're probably experiencing one of these three challenges:


1. You've tried different things and still don’t have your biggest issue resolved and now it could be getting worse. This is a big one. Even though you're not motivated solely by fear, you often get frustrated that other people can live their lives doing what you’d like to be doing, even though you're just as good as them or better. You want to create true self-confidence and freedom for yourself.


2. You're not working on your passion or having the degree of impact that you could. You want a flow of habits coming in and out of your life like clockwork - making the best ones stick as suits you. You want to be liked in all areas of life and known as the collected, successful person in your area of specialty. You want to leave a legacy and positively affect the lives of others.


3. You want to simplify and systematize your life but you're not sure how. It's too easy to build yourself a second cage by hiding behind safety in a way that doesn't serve yourself or others. And it's hard to know what to focus on when it comes to building back confidence, living in the present, and taking opportunities. You need better systems and you need to keep it simple.


So, which of those sounds like you? Are you feeling ashamed, overwhelmed, unworthy, or all three?


The truth is, each of those challenges are just symptoms of a deeper underlying feeling in your subconscious wanting to be integrated. Of course, I can't tell you exactly what the source of your specific problems are without learning more about your situation.


But the good news is that whatever is going on for you, big or small, we can get you on the right track.

I've done it, I've helped my clients do it, and I'm willing to do it for you.

Here's how you can get my support for free:

I’ve put everything I’ve learned about resolving anxiety from books, blogs, articles, seminars, webinars, trainings, videos and clients into a nice and neat



Because I began just like you, in an unknown place with what seemed like an impossible journey ahead. 

And because I had the information and I knew what worked - I just knew I needed to make it accessible for those I love.


I need things straight to the point so that’s what you’re getting!


The more prosperity around me, the more it comes.


And I’m extending this gift because that’s what it is - freedom from the imprisonment of thoughts is a true gift and everyone deserves it.


Let go of your old thoughts and habits holding your back with 3 SIMPLE STEPS.


You may be surprised.


Please enjoy: 




I’d love to know if it worked for you like it does for myself and so many.

Interested in more? Time to book a free discovery call with me:


I've set aside some time to speak with more people about how to address their most stubborn issue.


On our call, we'll co-create a straightforward plan that will help you double your success and break old habits and patterns of thought. Here's what we'll do during our “Discovery Call":


  • Get totally clear about what your life and problem looks like right now and where you want to take it over the next 1-3 months (your habits, thoughts, feelings, desires, etc.)

  • Uncover hidden obstacles that are sabotaging your growth, driving others away, and keeping your potential capped each month (this is where an expert outside perspective is key).

  • Leave the call reinvigorated, knowing exactly what to work on, and ready to take action right away so that you can have the best month ever in overcoming that hurdle.


After all of our questions are answered and we decide we’re a good fit you may be eligible for 1 of the 2 options: 


Level Up”                                                   “Exclusive Transformation

  30 day Transformation                             10-Week Program (Best Value)


At this point you may be asking yourself why I'm doing this. It's pretty simple, actually. 

I love helping people know their worth and I'm good at it so you can forget about years of therapy. After breaking my own patterns, I've finally decided to take remarkable people under my wing and help them do the same.


This is my way of finding those people while providing a ton of value along the way.


Unfortunately, this opportunity isn't a good fit for everyone...

Who is eligible for a session?

Since demand for these sessions typically outpaces the supply, I'm very selective about who I agree to speak with. It's important to me that I honor both my time and yours.

Here's the criteria for who I can best help:

1. You must be ready to commit to RTT for 15 minutes a day average, for 1-3 months. If you're not there yet, that's okay. I have other programs that may be a fit for you listed below. This opportunity is for people who are ready to focus on building their self-esteem and scaling their potential.

2. You must be someone who believes in the power of our thoughts, emotions and beliefs. Since what we're going to be working on will get you results, I'm interested in helping people who will provide a personal transformation for themselves and others.

3. You must be driven, honest, and have the willingness to overcome. I refuse to partner with excuse-makers. While it's true that RTT can provide shortcuts, nothing will work for you unless you're willing to follow through, fail, and try again until we figure it out.

If you don't meet all three of these requirements, these programs are not for you.15

How to secure a spot on my calendar:

If you'd like to talk about how to overcome the issue this year, I'm happy to set aside some time for you!

Here's what to do next:

Step 1: Click the big orange button below to view my availability.

Step 2: As soon as you enter your email, you'll be sent straight to my calendar. Go ahead and select a time that works for you. I'll also ask you a few short questions on the last page so that we can make the most of our call together. Then you'll receive an email confirmation.

Step 3: At the scheduled call, we'll discuss the biggest obstacles standing in the way of your freedom and how to overcome them. We’ll also use this opportunity to see if we're a fit to work together long term in case you want help implementing our plan.

If we both decide to work together beyond this call, we can get started right away. If not, I may share other resources to help you get what you need. Either way you win.

Click the button below and let's create a game plan for you:


I don’t know if I’m ready but I want to begin…

This is when we’ve dipped our toes in and it feels good. Maybe you’ve downloaded my free Control Your Thoughts EBook and maybe you haven't  (get it anytime).


Either way, the instant gratification of ‘information without doing’ isn’t working anymore - it can only mean 1 thing:

It’s time to invest in yourself. :)


Often we don’t value something unless we invest in it.  Start with where you are - not where you want to be because that only leads to endless frustration.


Take 1 step to letting go of fear and embracing self-love. This is the ONLY step you need to get the clarity of who you are and what you can do with your life. 


Getting rid of the baggage and pain doesn’t take a long time or need to be grueling - all it takes your willingness.


If you’re willing to commit to yourself I promise you it doesn’t take much. 

Try My Specialized Recordings


Start here and see what you’re made of:       


Let your body relax the right way.


  • A hypnotic, spoken recording accompanied with known relaxing musical frequencies.

  • Teaches patience, confidence and awareness.

  • Only 15 minutes a day to upgrade your mindset.

  • Manifest your heart's desires by replenishing your soul.

  • Feel how good it is to be in your own skin.

  • This recording has handpicked quality information, gathered from some of the best known meditators and influencers to let go of what’s stopping you.

  • Decision making and quality of life improves.

  • While you make these concepts familiar, fear disappears and you move towards better relationships, life experiences and career choices.


At the end of the day - triggering the brain’s relaxation response is the only way to induce better sleep.


What people are saying:

~ The recording is amazing, it puts me into a different place and I’ve quit smoking after just 21 days of listening. I smoked for 16 years.

Paul, 31

~ The recording is life-changing, and really made a huge difference in my life… exactly the clarity I needed.
Nicole, 34

~ I love my recording. I can tell a huge difference in my mood from the days I don’t use it - even my cat curled up and fell asleep next to it on my pillow, which he never does!

Kathy, 46

~ My motivation for living life for me has greatly improved just by listening to the recording! I love my new healthy habits.
Kristen, 20

I Know What I Want and I Want It Personalized:

Interested in something more directed and specific? 
Have you listened to an array of info and want something that is finally just for your needs?
Dabbled in manifesting and it’s still not working?




  • Have the luxury of upgrading yourself to how you see fit by a transformational recording expert.  

  • Fill out a form describing exactly what you would like.

  • Listen to your 20 minute life-time recording everyday for 30 days. 

  • Extremely comprehensive recording based on highly intuitive downloads.

  • Experience phenomenal changes in your desired areas and watch other areas improve. Witness your power.

  • Uses certain frequencies and your desires - your subconscious will change without you having to try or do more.

  • Meditation and deliberate focus has been proven to help us reduce stress, increasing mental clarity, focus and drive.

  • Change your mind in this way and watch your life change.

What people are saying:

~ Right now I can’t live without my recording - it’s everything I asked and more, sometimes I listen 2x a day because the results are so extraordinary.

Steven, 24

~ I feel like it’s my special manifestation tape. Carolyn really understood what I wanted and where I was coming from, just from my notes! 

Lynda, 58

~ I can’t believe what an impact this has had on my life.. Looking back 1 month ago I’m completely different than I ever was. I don’t even recognize the broken girl from before.
Cat, 52

~ The peace, clarity and confidence I gained from this recording brought (and still brings) everything I thought I couldn’t have and more. Thanks to my recording I have a sense of self and direction. 

Jeremiah, 40 

Questions? Book a “Discovery Call” and we will clarify everything including your goals, over the phone.

Experience the path to true freedom by scheduling a free, 40 minute phone consultation. Together, we will assess your ailments and find the right, customized path for you to experience permanent relief.


Simply click "Book It" below to begin your journey of self-improvement and healing.

Get in now!

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